Film's title: "On the way to school"
Genre: Documentary
Directed by Frenchman Pascal Pilson
Country: France
Year: 2013
Abstract: The film follows four children on their long and challenging journeys to school.
We watch:
- Jackson (10 years old) and his younger sister navigate their way through rural Kenyan, constantly on guard for elephant attacks.
- In Argentina, we follow Carlitos (11 years old) as he rides his horse through the Patagonian mountains, his sister tightly holding onto him.
- In Morocco, we meet twelve-year old Zahira, as she prepares herself and her friends for their joint walk of twenty-two kilometers.
- And there is Samuel, an eleven-year-old physically disabled student from the Bay of Bengal, who relies on his brothers to reach his destination. They push and pull Samuel’s broken wheelchair through potholes, wetlands and uneven roads before they –impressively and inventively- eventually drop him off in class.
Here is the film trailer:
Here you have more videos related with the film:
Kenya: Risky Road to School
Mexico: Pedaling for Education
Uganda: Mobile Solar Computer Classes
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